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  1. 明确要求“成品效果图”和“细节拆分示意图”使用类似“成品效果图 (final product rendering)”、“细节拆分示意图 (detailed breakdown illustration)”的词语,确保图像包含整体设计和细节展示。

  1. 描述珠宝的材质和工艺详细描述珠宝的材质(如黄金、白金、宝石)和工艺(如雕刻、镶嵌),帮助生成更加真实和细致的效果。

  1. 强调“细节”提及“微小细节 (minute details)”、“精细雕刻 (intricate engravings)”、“宝石切割 (gemstone cuts)”等,以确保Midjourney关注细节。

  1. 使用“高质量”描述词汇使用“高分辨率 (high-resolution)”、“高清 (high-definition)”、“逼真 (realistic)”等词语,强调图像的质量和细致程度。


1. 经典钻石戒指设计

English: Classic diamond ring design, high-definition final product rendering showcasing the overall appearance of the ring, with a round-cut diamond set in the center, sparkling facets of the diamond. Detailed breakdown illustration displaying the ring's structure, including prong settings, band design, and inner band engravings. Gold band material with fine polished finish, demonstrating the ring's luxury and delicacy.

2. 现代几何形耳环

English: Modern geometric earrings design, high-definition final product rendering showcasing the unique geometric shape of the earrings, made of rose gold with a smooth metallic sheen. Detailed breakdown illustration displaying the structure of the earrings, including hook design, connector details, and geometric construction, with finely polished metal edges. Realistic reflections on the earrings highlight a modern, stylish appeal.

3. 复古风宝石项链

English: Vintage gemstone necklace design, ultra-high-definition final product rendering showcasing the overall appearance of the necklace, with a large central emerald gemstone surrounded by delicately set diamonds. Detailed breakdown illustration showing the chain design, setting details, gemstone cuts, and base engravings. Made of platinum, the design reflects vintage elegance and luxury, with rich details of gemstone transparency and light reflections.

4. 个性化雕刻手镯

English: Personalized engraved bracelet design, high-definition final product rendering showcasing the overall shape of the bracelet, made of platinum with intricate floral patterns and inscriptions engraved on the surface. Detailed breakdown illustration showing the bracelet's opening design, engraving craftsmanship details, and precision of metal bending. Polished surface of the bracelet reflects light, with detailed display of each engraving pattern's fineness.


造型 (Shapes and Forms)经典形状 (Classic Shapes)圆形 (Round), 方形 (Square), 椭圆形 (Oval), 长方形 (Rectangular), 心形 (Heart-shaped), 泪滴形 (Teardrop), 马眼形 (Marquise), 公主方形 (Princess cut), 祖母绿形 (Emerald cut)
现代形状 (Modern Shapes)几何形状 (Geometric shapes), 非对称形 (Asymmetrical), 旋转形状 (Twisted forms), 抽象形状 (Abstract shapes), 流线型 (Streamlined), 花卉形状 (Floral shapes), 叶片形状 (Leaf shapes), 网格设计 (Grid design)
复古形状 (Vintage Shapes)巴洛克风格 (Baroque style), 维多利亚风格 (Victorian style), 装饰艺术风格 (Art Deco style), 新艺术风格 (Art Nouveau style), 罗马风格 (Roman style), 哥特风格 (Gothic style), 洛可可风格 (Rococo style)
材质 (Materials)贵金属 (Precious Metals)黄金 (Gold), 白金 (Platinum), 玫瑰金 (Rose gold), 银 (Silver), 钯金 (Palladium), 铑 (Rhodium)
宝石 (Gemstones)钻石 (Diamond), 红宝石 (Ruby), 蓝宝石 (Sapphire), 祖母绿 (Emerald), 紫水晶 (Amethyst), 珍珠 (Pearl), 黄玉 (Topaz), 黑曜石 (Obsidian), 碧玺 (Tourmaline), 青金石 (Lapis lazuli)
半宝石 (Semi-Precious Stones)玛瑙 (Agate), 翡翠 (Jade), 青金石 (Lapis lazuli), 绿松石 (Turquoise), 珍珠母 (Mother of pearl), 石英 (Quartz), 月光石 (Moonstone), 蛋白石 (Opal)
其他材质 (Other Materials)钛 (Titanium), 钢 (Stainless steel), 木材 (Wood), 陶瓷 (Ceramic), 玻璃 (Glass), 皮革 (Leather), 树脂 (Resin), 珐琅 (Enamel)
做工 (Craftsmanship)镶嵌工艺 (Setting Techniques)爪镶 (Prong setting), 轨道镶 (Channel setting), 包镶 (Bezel setting), 平镶 (Pavé setting), 隐秘镶 (Invisible setting), 钉镶 (Claw setting), 轨道镶 (Rail setting), 压边镶 (Flush setting)
表面处理 (Surface Treatments)抛光 (Polishing), 磨砂 (Matte finish), 拉丝 (Brushed finish), 铸纹 (Hammered finish), 雕刻 (Engraving), 刻花 (Etching), 浮雕 (Embossing), 镀层 (Plating)
雕刻工艺 (Engraving Techniques)激光雕刻 (Laser engraving), 手工雕刻 (Hand engraving), 浮雕雕刻 (Relief engraving), 细线雕刻 (Filigree engraving), 蜡雕 (Wax carving), 打磨 (Stone polishing)
镶嵌风格 (Mounting Styles)矮镶 (Low mount), 高镶 (High mount), 浮动镶嵌 (Floating setting), 开放式镶嵌 (Open setting), 围绕镶嵌 (Halo setting), 双层镶嵌 (Double tier setting)
装饰细节 (Decorative Details)镶边 (Beaded edge), 缠绕设计 (Twist design), 叶形雕刻 (Leaf carvings), 镶嵌花纹 (Inlaid patterns), 微镶宝石 (Micro-pavé gemstones), 镶嵌链条 (Inlaid chains), 铰链设计 (Hinged design)

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