- 主体和背景:明确描述图像的主要对象或场景(如人像、风景、街头、建筑等)。指定背景的类型或风格(如模糊背景、城市天际线、自然风光)。
- 光线和色调:描述光线来源及其效果(如自然光、柔光、逆光)。指定图像的色调或氛围(如暖色调、冷色调、黑白)。
- 构图和角度:指定构图风格(如黄金比例构图、三分法、对称构图)。描述拍摄角度(如低角度、俯视角、特写)。
- 摄影风格和技术:说明特定的摄影风格(如纪实风格、时尚摄影、微距摄影)。指定使用的摄影技术或效果(如长曝光、虚焦、散景效果)。
- 装饰和细节:提及特定的图形元素或细节(如反光、光晕、颗粒感)。
1. 风景摄影:晨曦中的湖泊
English:"Landscape photography of a serene lake at dawn, with calm water reflecting the surrounding mountains and trees, soft morning light, light mist hovering over the water, cool-toned colors, creating a peaceful and mysterious atmosphere"
2. 时尚摄影:都市街头的动感
English:"Fashion photography with a model on an urban street, wearing avant-garde clothing, harsh lighting with strong contrast on the model, vibrant colors, dynamic street background, creating a modern and energetic atmosphere"
3. 人像摄影:室内自然光肖像
English:"Indoor portrait photography, model near a window, with soft natural light illuminating the face, shallow depth of field with background blur, minimalist white wall background, warm tones, creating an intimate and cozy atmosphere"
4. 静物摄影:复古风格的餐具
English:"Still life photography of vintage-style tableware arranged on a wooden table, soft side lighting, muted vintage tones, with the fine textures of the tableware clearly visible, creating a warm and nostalgic atmosphere"
类别 | 子类别 | 提示词 |
主体和背景 (Subjects and Backgrounds) | 主体 (Subjects) | 人像摄影 (Portrait photography), 风景摄影 (Landscape photography), 街头摄影 (Street photography), 建筑摄影 (Architectural photography), 动物摄影 (Animal photography), 静物摄影 (Still life photography), 微距摄影 (Macro photography), 航拍摄影 (Aerial photography), 时尚摄影 (Fashion photography), 美食摄影 (Food photography) |
背景 (Backgrounds) | 模糊背景 (Blurred background), 天际线背景 (Skyline background), 自然风光背景 (Natural landscape background), 海洋背景 (Ocean background), 都市夜景背景 (Urban nightscape background), 窗外景色 (View through a window), 色彩背景 (Colorful backdrop), 纹理背景 (Textured background), 简约背景 (Minimalist background), 工业背景 (Industrial background) | |
光线和色调 (Lighting and Tones) | 光线 (Lighting) | 自然光 (Natural light), 柔光 (Soft light), 强光 (Harsh light), 逆光 (Backlighting), 环境光 (Ambient light), 光影效果 (Chiaroscuro), 人造光 (Artificial lighting), 蜡烛光 (Candlelight), 霓虹灯光 (Neon lighting), 镜面反射光 (Reflective lighting) |
色调 (Tones) | 暖色调 (Warm tones), 冷色调 (Cool tones), 黑白 (Black and white), 复古色调 (Vintage tones), 鲜艳色调 (Vibrant tones), 柔和色调 (Muted tones), 高对比度 (High contrast), 低饱和度 (Low saturation), 青色滤镜 (Cyan filter), 紫色滤镜 (Purple filter) | |
构图和角度 (Composition and Angles) | 构图 (Composition) | 黄金比例构图 (Golden ratio composition), 三分法构图 (Rule of thirds composition), 中心构图 (Centered composition), 对称构图 (Symmetrical composition), 对角线构图 (Diagonal composition), 框架构图 (Framing composition), 引导线构图 (Leading lines composition), 场景分层构图 (Layered scene composition), 镜像构图 (Reflection composition), 负空间构图 (Negative space composition) |
角度 (Angles) | 俯视角 (Bird's-eye view), 低角度 (Low-angle shot), 高角度 (High-angle shot), 水平角度 (Eye-level shot), 特写 (Close-up), 大远景 (Wide shot), 极端俯视 (Extreme high angle), 极端仰视 (Extreme low angle), 偏侧角度 (Side angle), 斜角度 (Dutch angle) | |
摄影风格和技术 (Photography Styles and Techniques) | 摄影风格 (Photography Styles) | 纪实风格 (Documentary style), 时尚摄影 (Fashion photography), 新闻摄影 (Photojournalism), 抽象摄影 (Abstract photography), 自然摄影 (Nature photography), 极简摄影 (Minimalist photography), 街头摄影 (Street photography), HDR摄影 (HDR photography), 美术摄影 (Fine art photography), 运动摄影 (Sports photography) |
摄影技术 (Photography Techniques) | 长曝光 (Long exposure), 短曝光 (Short exposure), 虚焦 (Out of focus), 散景效果 (Bokeh effect), 宽景摄影 (Panoramic photography), 慢快门 (Slow shutter speed), 快快门 (Fast shutter speed), 微距摄影 (Macro photography), 倾斜摄影 (Tilt-shift photography), 光绘摄影 (Light painting) | |
装饰和细节 (Decorations and Details) | 装饰元素 (Decorative Elements) | 反光 (Reflections), 光晕 (Lens flare), 光斑 (Light spots), 水滴效果 (Water droplets effect), 烟雾效果 (Smoke effect), 尘埃粒子 (Dust particles), 雾气 (Fog), 雨点效果 (Raindrop effect), 冰晶效果 (Frost effect), 落叶 (Falling leaves) |
细节 (Details) | 纹理细节 (Texture details), 毛发细节 (Hair details), 皮肤细节 (Skin details), 眼睛特写 (Close-up of eyes), 面部表情 (Facial expressions), 材质光泽 (Material shine), 光线阴影细节 (Light and shadow details), 背景虚化 (Background blur), 镜头特写 (Lens close-up), 微妙渐变色 (Subtle gradients) |
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