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  1. 确定雕塑类型和用途:明确雕塑的类型(如人物雕塑、抽象雕塑、纪念碑雕塑、公共艺术雕塑等)。描述雕塑的主要用途或目标场景(如城市广场、博物馆展览、私人收藏等)。
  2. 选择风格和主题:指定雕塑的设计风格(如现代风、古典风、极简主义、超现实主义等)。提及任何特定的主题或概念,如历史象征、文化符号、自然元素等。
  3. 描述材质和颜色:描述雕塑的材质(如青铜、大理石、木材、不锈钢等)。描述色彩方案,如单色调、金属色、天然色调等。
  4. 特定的设计元素和细节:描述特别的设计元素或装饰细节,如表面纹理、雕刻细节、造型复杂度等。提及与整体设计的协调性,如光影效果、雕塑比例、造型美感等。
  5. 技术和创新:提及任何技术创新或设计改进,如3D打印、动态效果、光影效果等。


1. 现代抽象雕塑设计

English:"Modern abstract sculpture design, featuring stainless steel material, with smooth and curved lines, polished surface, overall design is minimalistic yet dynamic, ideal for public art in urban squares"

2. 古典风格的大理石人物雕塑

English:"Classical-style marble statue of a person, with finely detailed carving, elegant posture, made of white marble, smooth surface, suitable for display in museums or historical monuments"

3. 超现实主义的金属雕塑设计

English:"Surrealistic metal sculpture design, featuring bronze material, with complex and imaginative shapes, dark metallic tones, ideal for modern art exhibitions"

4. 极简主义的木质雕塑设计

English:"Minimalist wooden sculpture design, featuring natural wood, with simple shapes and straightforward lines, surface retains the natural wood grain, ideal for nature-themed outdoor decor"


雕塑类型和用途 (Type and Purpose)人物雕塑 (Figurative sculpture)历史人物雕塑 (Historical figures), 现代人物雕塑 (Modern figures), 抽象人物雕塑 (Abstract figures), 纪念碑雕塑 (Monument sculptures), 装饰性雕塑 (Decorative sculptures)
抽象雕塑 (Abstract sculpture)几何抽象雕塑 (Geometric abstraction), 自然元素雕塑 (Nature-inspired), 表现主义雕塑 (Expressionist sculpture), 超现实主义雕塑 (Surrealist sculpture), 极简抽象雕塑 (Minimalist abstraction)
公共艺术雕塑 (Public art sculpture)城市雕塑 (Urban sculptures), 广场雕塑 (Plaza sculptures), 公园雕塑 (Park sculptures), 建筑装饰雕塑 (Architectural sculptures), 大型装置艺术 (Large installations)
纪念雕塑 (Memorial sculpture)纪念碑 (Monuments), 历史纪念雕塑 (Historical memorials), 战争纪念雕塑 (War memorials), 文化纪念雕塑 (Cultural memorials), 社会运动纪念雕塑 (Social movement memorials)
风格和主题 (Style and Theme)现代风格 (Modern style)极简设计 (Minimalist design), 光滑表面 (Smooth surfaces), 流线型 (Streamlined), 几何图形 (Geometric forms), 抛光金属 (Polished metal)
古典风格 (Classical style)细致雕刻 (Detailed carving), 古希腊罗马风 (Greco-Roman style), 对称设计 (Symmetrical design), 自然主义 (Naturalism), 优雅姿态 (Elegant posture)
材质和颜色 (Materials and Colors)材质 (Materials)大理石 (Marble), 青铜 (Bronze), 木材 (Wood), 不锈钢 (Stainless steel), 石材 (Stone)
颜色 (Colors)单色调 (Monochrome), 金属色 (Metallic tones), 天然色调 (Natural tones), 深色调 (Dark tones), 淡色调 (Soft tones)
设计元素和细节 (Design Elements and Details)设计元素 (Design Elements)线条风格 (Line style), 表面纹理 (Surface texture), 造型复杂度 (Complexity of form), 光影效果 (Lighting effects), 雕刻细节 (Carving details)
环境结合 (Environmental integration)光影效果 (Lighting effects), 背景设置 (Background setup), 视觉平衡 (Visual balance), 雕塑比例 (Proportions), 场地适应性 (Site adaptability)
技术和创新 (Technology and Innovation)技术创新 (Technological innovation)3D打印 (3D printing), 动态雕塑 (Kinetic sculpture), 光影互动 (Light and shadow interaction), 增强现实 (Augmented reality), 高分辨率渲染 (High-resolution rendering)

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