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  1. 确定场景类型和用途:明确游戏场景的类型(如战斗场景、探索场景、城市场景、自然场景等)。描述场景的主要用途或功能(如主要战斗区域、探索路径、剧情过场等)。
  2. 选择风格和主题:指定场景的设计风格(如写实风、卡通风、科幻风、奇幻风等)。提及任何特定的主题或概念,如废墟、未来都市、魔法森林等。
  3. 描述材质和颜色:描述场景中使用的主要材质(如石材、金属、木材、植被等)。描述色彩方案,如单色调、对比色、渐变色等。
  4. 特定的设计元素和细节:描述特别的设计元素或装饰细节,如建筑物、植被、道路、道具等。提及与整体设计的协调性,如光影效果、动态元素、天气状况等。
  5. 技术和创新:提及任何技术创新或设计改进,如动态天气系统、实时光照、互动环境等。


1. 未来科幻城市场景

English:"Futuristic sci-fi cityscape design, featuring extensive use of metal and glass materials, towering skyscrapers with neon lights, color scheme dominated by blue and silver, overall style exudes a high-tech and futuristic vibe"

2. 魔法森林探索场景

English:"Magical forest exploration scene design, featuring lush vegetation and mystical light sources, towering trees with glowing leaves, the scene is infused with a magical atmosphere, with a color scheme dominated by green and purple"

3. 废墟风格战斗场景

English:"Ruins-themed battle scene design, featuring dilapidated stone structures and crumbling buildings, ground covered in cracks and weeds, overall color palette in dark tones, the scene exudes tension and oppression"

4. 奇幻宫殿场景

English:"Fantasy palace scene design, featuring metal and gemstone materials, with a lavish and intricate palace structure, the scene is filled with luxury and dreamlike colors, with a color scheme dominated by gold and deep blue"


场景类型和用途 (Type and Purpose)战斗场景 (Battle scenes)竞技场 (Arena), 战场 (Battlefield), 城市废墟 (Urban ruins), 地下洞穴 (Underground caves), 森林战斗区 (Forest combat zone)
探索场景 (Exploration scenes)魔法森林 (Magical forest), 古代遗迹 (Ancient ruins), 未来城市 (Future city), 幽暗地牢 (Dark dungeons), 沙漠探险 (Desert exploration)
城市场景 (City scenes)未来都市 (Futuristic city), 中世纪城镇 (Medieval town), 现代都市 (Modern city), 奇幻王国 (Fantasy kingdom), 废弃城市 (Abandoned city)
自然场景 (Natural scenes)雨林 (Rainforest), 高山 (Mountains), 海滩 (Beach), 冰原 (Ice plains), 沙漠 (Desert)
风格和主题 (Style and Theme)未来风格 (Futuristic style)高科技建筑 (High-tech architecture), 霓虹灯光 (Neon lights), 金属质感 (Metallic textures), 未来交通 (Future transportation), 虚拟现实元素 (Virtual reality elements)
奇幻风格 (Fantasy style)魔法元素 (Magical elements), 史诗建筑 (Epic architecture), 神秘符文 (Mystical runes), 龙与骑士 (Dragons and knights), 传说中的生物 (Mythical creatures)
材质和颜色 (Materials and Colors)材质 (Materials)金属 (Metal), 石材 (Stone), 木材 (Wood), 玻璃 (Glass), 植被 (Vegetation)
颜色 (Colors)单色调 (Monochrome), 渐变色 (Gradient), 对比色 (Contrasting colors), 暗色系 (Dark tones), 明亮色调 (Bright tones)
设计元素和细节 (Design Elements and Details)设计元素 (Design Elements)建筑物 (Buildings), 植被 (Vegetation), 道具 (Props), 路径 (Paths), 动态元素 (Dynamic elements)
环境结合 (Environmental integration)光影效果 (Lighting effects), 动态天气 (Dynamic weather), 声音设计 (Sound design), 背景故事 (Backstory), 交互环境 (Interactive environment)
技术和创新 (Technology and Innovation)技术创新 (Technological innovation)动态天气系统 (Dynamic weather system), 实时光照 (Real-time lighting), 物理引擎 (Physics engine), 动态环境 (Dynamic environments), 虚拟现实支持 (VR support)

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