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  1. 确定建筑类型和用途:明确建筑的类型(如住宅、商业、文化、教育、医疗等)。描述建筑的主要用途或功能(如家庭住宅、办公楼、博物馆、学校等)。
  2. 选择风格和主题:指定建筑的设计风格(如现代、传统、未来主义、生态、工业等)。提及任何特定的主题或概念,如可持续发展、高科技、本土文化等。
  3. 描述材料和结构:提及主要的建筑材料(如钢铁、混凝土、玻璃、木材、石材等)。描述建筑的结构特征,如玻璃幕墙、悬挑结构、绿色屋顶等。
  4. 特定的设计元素和细节:描述特别的设计细节或装饰元素,如立面设计、装饰图案、窗户形状等。提及与环境融合的设计特点,如自然光利用、景观设计、与周围环境的互动等。
  5. 技术和创新:提及任何技术创新或建筑技术,如智能建筑系统、节能技术、抗震设计等。


1. 现代办公楼

English:"Modern office building, high-rise structure, primarily glass and steel, featuring glass curtain walls, open floor plan, integrated green roof and smart building systems, energy-efficient, emphasis on natural light, blended with urban landscape"

2. 传统博物馆

English:"Traditional museum, low-rise building, stone and wood construction, classical facade design, rich in carved details, arched windows, expansive interior exhibition spaces, soft lighting, highlighting cultural heritage"

3. 未来主义住宅

English:"Futuristic residential home, unique geometric shapes, concrete and glass materials, cantilevered structure, minimalist design, smart home systems, efficient energy management, utilizing solar and wind energy, integrated with natural landscape"

4. 生态友好学校

English:"Eco-friendly school, campus buildings, utilizing renewable materials, wood and recycled concrete, green roofs and walls, open learning spaces, maximizing natural light, rainwater harvesting system, environmentally sustainable design"


建筑类型和用途 (Type and Purpose)住宅 (Residential)家庭住宅 (Family house), 公寓 (Apartment), 别墅 (Villa), 联排别墅 (Townhouse), 住宅小区 (Residential complex)
商业 (Commercial)办公楼 (Office building), 购物中心 (Shopping mall), 酒店 (Hotel), 餐厅 (Restaurant), 零售店 (Retail store)
文化 (Cultural)博物馆 (Museum), 艺术画廊 (Art gallery), 剧院 (Theater), 图书馆 (Library), 文化中心 (Cultural center)
教育 (Educational)学校 (School), 大学 (University), 研究所 (Research institute), 培训中心 (Training center)
医疗 (Healthcare)医院 (Hospital), 诊所 (Clinic), 康复中心 (Rehabilitation center), 健康中心 (Health center)
建筑风格和主题 (Style and Theme)现代风格 (Modern)极简主义 (Minimalist), 高科技风格 (High-tech), 未来主义 (Futuristic), 工业风格 (Industrial), 生态建筑 (Eco-friendly architecture)
传统风格 (Traditional)古典风格 (Classical), 哥特式 (Gothic), 巴洛克风格 (Baroque), 日式 (Japanese), 中式 (Chinese)
特定主题 (Thematic)可持续发展 (Sustainable development), 本土文化 (Local culture), 高科技 (High-tech), 社区导向 (Community-oriented), 生态设计 (Eco design)
材料和结构 (Materials and Structure)材料 (Materials)钢铁 (Steel), 混凝土 (Concrete), 玻璃 (Glass), 木材 (Wood), 石材 (Stone), 再生材料 (Recycled materials)
结构 (Structure)悬挑结构 (Cantilevered structure), 玻璃幕墙 (Glass curtain wall), 绿色屋顶 (Green roof), 模块化设计 (Modular design), 预制构件 (Prefabricated components)
设计元素和细节 (Design Elements and Details)设计元素 (Design Elements)立面设计 (Facade design), 装饰图案 (Decorative patterns), 窗户形状 (Window shapes), 门廊设计 (Porch design), 室内中庭 (Interior atrium)
环境融合 (Environmental integration)自然光利用 (Natural light utilization), 景观设计 (Landscape design), 与环境互动 (Interaction with surroundings), 环境可持续性 (Environmental sustainability), 雨水收集系统 (Rainwater harvesting system)
技术和创新 (Technology and Innovation)建筑技术 (Building Technology)智能建筑系统 (Smart building systems), 节能技术 (Energy-saving technologies), 抗震设计 (Seismic design), 太阳能技术 (Solar technology), 风能利用 (Wind energy utilization)

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