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Midjourney Prompt 指令
Interstellar Void Epic: The Creator, a deity with a galaxy-filled visage, creating celestial bodies with a mere gesture, contrasts with the Destroyer, whose face is a canvas of entropy, causing stars to extinguish. Their clash, a dramatic display of cosmic power, with galaxies emerging and fading amidst their battle --v 6.0 --style raw --ar 16:9

中文大意:星际虚空史诗:造物主是一位面容充满银河系的神,仅凭一个手势就创造了天体,与毁灭者形成鲜明对比,毁灭者的脸是一张充满信息的画布,导致恒星熄灭。他们的冲突是宇宙力量的戏剧性展示,星系在他们的战斗中出现和消失-v6.0-风格原始-ar 16:9

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