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  1. 确定贴纸类型和用途:明确贴纸的类型(如卡通贴纸、文字贴纸、装饰贴纸、品牌标志贴纸等)。描述贴纸的主要用途或目标场景(如笔记本装饰、手机壳装饰、手账本装饰等)。
  2. 选择风格和主题:指定贴纸的设计风格(如极简主义、复古风、可爱风、未来科技风等)。提及任何特定的主题或概念,如自然元素、几何形状、幻想元素等。
  3. 描述材质和颜色:描述贴纸的材质效果(如亚光、光泽、透明、金属光泽等)。描述色彩方案,如单色调、对比色、渐变色等。
  4. 特定的设计元素和细节:描述特别的设计元素或装饰细节,如线条风格、图案大小、形状设计等。提及与整体设计的协调性,如光影效果、色彩平衡、视觉焦点等。
  5. 技术和创新:提及任何技术创新或设计改进,如3D效果、动态设计、发光效果等。


1. 可爱卡通动物贴纸设计

English:"Cute cartoon animal sticker design, featuring soft pink and blue tones, with simple and playful animal shapes, matte texture, overall design is fun and childlike, ideal for decorating children's notebooks or planners"

2. 复古风格的文字贴纸设计

English:"Vintage-style text sticker design, featuring a deep brown and gold color scheme, with handwritten fonts and vintage patterns, paper-like texture, ideal for decorating vintage-themed planners"

3. 未来科技风的发光贴纸设计

English:"Futuristic glowing sticker design, featuring silver and blue tones, with geometric shapes and tech symbols, smooth metallic texture, with glowing effects, ideal for decorating tech-themed phone cases"

4. 自然主题的植物贴纸设计

English:"Nature-themed plant sticker design, featuring green and brown natural tones, with patterns of various leaves and flowers, transparent texture, overall design is fresh and natural, ideal for decorating planners or journals"


贴纸类型和用途 (Type and Purpose)卡通贴纸 (Cartoon stickers)可爱动物贴纸 (Cute animal stickers), 卡通人物贴纸 (Cartoon character stickers), 食物贴纸 (Food stickers), 趣味表情贴纸 (Fun emoji stickers), 动漫角色贴纸 (Anime character stickers)
文字贴纸 (Text stickers)激励语句贴纸 (Inspirational quote stickers), 手写文字贴纸 (Handwritten text stickers), 英文字母贴纸 (Alphabet stickers), 复古字体贴纸 (Vintage font stickers), 现代字体贴纸 (Modern font stickers)
装饰贴纸 (Decorative stickers)花卉图案贴纸 (Floral pattern stickers), 几何形状贴纸 (Geometric shape stickers), 星座贴纸 (Zodiac stickers), 幻想元素贴纸 (Fantasy element stickers), 图案装饰贴纸 (Patterned decorative stickers)
品牌标志贴纸 (Brand logo stickers)时尚品牌贴纸 (Fashion brand stickers), 电子产品品牌贴纸 (Tech brand stickers), 汽车品牌贴纸 (Automotive brand stickers), 运动品牌贴纸 (Sports brand stickers), 游戏品牌贴纸 (Gaming brand stickers)
风格和主题 (Style and Theme)可爱风格 (Cute style)柔和色调 (Soft tones), 圆润线条 (Rounded lines), 迷你图案 (Miniature patterns), 动物主题 (Animal theme), 童趣设计 (Childlike design)
复古风格 (Vintage style)手工风格 (Handcrafted style), 古典元素 (Classical elements), 怀旧配色 (Nostalgic color scheme), 复古符号 (Vintage symbols), 温暖色调 (Warm tones)
未来科技风格 (Futuristic style)光滑金属感 (Smooth metallic), 几何设计 (Geometric designs), 发光效果 (Glowing effects), 高对比度 (High contrast), 科技符号 (Tech symbols)
自然风格 (Nature-inspired style)自然元素 (Natural elements), 植物图案 (Botanical patterns), 清新色调 (Fresh tones), 手绘风格 (Hand-drawn style), 透明质感 (Transparent texture)
材质和颜色 (Materials and Colors)材质 (Materials)亚光 (Matte), 光滑金属感 (Smooth metallic), 透明 (Transparent), 光泽 (Glossy), 纸质感 (Paper-like texture)
颜色 (Colors)单色调 (Monochrome), 对比色 (Contrasting colors), 渐变色 (Gradient), 亮色调 (Bright tones), 柔和色调 (Soft tones)
设计元素和细节 (Design Elements and Details)设计元素 (Design Elements)线条风格 (Line style), 图案大小 (Pattern size), 形状设计 (Shape design), 装饰细节 (Decorative details), 色彩平衡 (Color balance)
环境结合 (Environmental integration)光影效果 (Lighting effects), 背景设置 (Background setup), 视觉平衡 (Visual balance), 视觉焦点 (Visual focus), 场景应用 (Scene application)
技术和创新 (Technology and Innovation)技术创新 (Technological innovation)3D效果 (3D effects), 动态设计 (Dynamic design), 发光效果 (Glowing effects), 互动贴纸 (Interactive stickers), 数字印刷 (Digital printing)

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