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Midjourney Prompt 指令
new road on the edge of the Mount Blanc alps with a modern village and ford truck fantasy realistic, a masterpiece, razor sharp focus, dynamic and the vegetation is old a veil of mist is on the ground we see the sky which is at dusk and it is a full moon the wind bends the leaves slightly trees suddenly inside an atmosphere of horror ; art by Jeremy Mann, Carne Griffiths, michael hussar, H.R. Giger, fine art, Hugo Pratt,elegant, cinematic lighting, 8k concept art; black and reds; trending on artstation,32k raw drawing art

中文大意: 勃朗峰阿尔卑斯山边缘的新道路,有一个现代村庄和福特卡车奇幻现实主义,一部杰作,锋利的焦点,充满活力,植被古老,地面上笼罩着薄雾,我们看到黄昏的天空,这是满月,风稍微弯曲树木突然陷入恐怖的氛围;艺术由杰里米·曼(Jeremy Mann)、卡恩·格里菲斯(Carne Griffiths)、迈克尔·胡萨尔(Michael Hussar)、人力资源部吉格尔,美术,雨果·普拉特,优雅的电影灯光,8 k概念艺术;黑色和红色;艺术站的趋势,32 k原始绘画艺术
