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Midjourney Prompt 指令
A dark and mysterious illustration of an enormous statue atop the globe, Paradise Lost - Satan Presiding At The Infernal Council, surrounded by lights in an empty stadium filled with cheering crowds, in charcoal black and white. The scene is rendered in a detailed, intricate style in the style of old classical art, evoking a sense of awe or grandeur. In the foreground, there is an extreme closeup of one person standing at attention holding their hands up to his face, as if he was listening intently to what they say. --v 6.0 --ar 16:11

中文大意:这是一幅黑暗而神秘的插图,描绘了地球上一座巨大的雕像,《失乐园-撒旦主持地狱议会》,在一个空荡荡的体育场里,灯光环绕,充满欢呼的人群,呈木炭色和白色。场景以古老古典艺术风格的详细、复杂的风格渲染,唤起一种敬畏或宏伟的感觉。在前景中,有一个极端的特写镜头,一个人聚精会神地站着,把手放在脸上,好像他在聚精会神地听他们说什么。--v 6.0 --ar 16:11

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