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Midjourney Prompt 指令
Design a modern and minimalist cafe facade, focusing on the juxtaposition of weathered bricks and expansive glass windows, which reflects a sophisticated blend of historical and contemporary architecture, aim for a shot that captures the essence of the space using a high-end DSLR camera, such as a Canon EOS R5 with a 50mm f/1.2 lens, ensuring the image is bathed in the soft, natural light of a clear afternoon sky, to accentuate the clean lines and minimalist design elements, the final image should be ultra-realistic 16K resolution with many details, showcasing a few patrons enjoying the ambiance, without any cars or pedestrians to maintain a clear view of the architectural beauty

中文大意:设计现代简约的咖啡馆立面,重点是风化砖和宽敞的玻璃窗的并列,反映了历史与当代建筑的精致融合,目标是使用高端单反相机捕捉空间本质的镜头,例如配备50 mm f/1.2镜头的佳能EOS R5,确保图像沐浴在午后晴朗天空的柔和自然光线中,为了强调干净的线条和极简主义的设计元素,最终的图像应该是超现实的16 K分辨率,具有许多细节,展示一些享受氛围的顾客,没有任何汽车或行人,以保持建筑之美的清晰视野
