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Midjourney Prompt 指令
Cyber Bling art from the 'art of control' collection by jasper harvey, in the style of futuristic optics, silver and gold, detailed facial features, swirling vortexes, 3d, whimsical cyborgs, made of crystals on a blue cloud on which sits a plump squirrel pink fur a large golden acorn falling from her paws down into a white clearing strewn with pink snowdrops--style raw --s 900

中文大意:贾斯珀·哈维(Jasper Harvey)的控制艺术收藏中的Cyber Bling艺术,采用未来派光学风格,银色和金色,详细的面部特征,旋转的漩涡,3D,异想天开的机器人,由蓝色云上的水晶制成,上面放着一只丰满的松鼠粉红色毛皮,一个巨大的金色橡子从她的爪子上掉下来,落入一片白色的空地上,上面散落着粉红色的雪珠--原始风格--s 900

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