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Midjourney官网中文版 | 我要绘画 | 作图AI | 抠图AI | Midjourney
MidjourneyPrompt 指令
A detailed illustration of an old street in Shanghai. The scene is set during springtime with blooming trees. There are bookshop,flowershop, and some other shops.Some people walking along the sidewalk carrying shopping bags,some people talking or reading by their buildings windows. natural lighting, intricate illustrations, colorful. --chaos 5 --ar 16:9

中文大意:上海一条老街的详细插图。场景设定在树木盛开的春天。有书店、花店和其他一些商店。一些人提着购物袋走在人行道上,一些人在他们大楼的窗户边聊天或阅读。自然采光,错综复杂的插图,五颜六色。--混乱5 --代上16:9