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MidjourneyPrompt 指令
A photograph of a 30-something Asian woman, medium-length black hair, wearing a casual pastel-colored dress, holding a bouquet of bright yellow mimosa flowers, standing in a minimalist room with white walls and a single large window allowing soft natural light to fill the space, her expression joyful and content. Created Using: DSLR camera, soft-focus lens, natural light, minimalistic style, subtle shadow play, pastel color palette, hd quality, natural look --stylize 850 --v 6.0 --ar 9:16

中文大意:一张30多岁的亚洲女人的照片,她留着中等长度的黑发,穿着一件随意的粉色连衣裙,手里拿着一束鲜艳的黄色含羞草花,站在一个白色墙壁和一扇大窗户的极简主义房间里,柔和的自然光填满了整个空间,她的表情喜悦而满足。使用:单反相机,软对焦镜头,自然光,极简主义风格,微妙的阴影播放,柔和的调色板,高清质量,自然的外观--Style 850--v6.0--ar 9:16