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Midjourney Prompt 指令
A beautiful women with long fair hair and bangs wearing golg metal armor made of glass that is covered in small diamonds and crystals, silver stripes on their backs, posing for photos. The background is fair which shows she has over one million followers, in the style of an Instagram profile. --ar 3:4 --s 500

中文大意:一位拥有金色长发和刘海的美丽女性,穿着玻璃制成的戈尔格金属盔甲,盔甲上覆盖着小钻石和水晶,背上有银色条纹,摆姿势拍照。背景是公平的,这表明她拥有超过一百万粉丝,就像Instagram个人资料的风格。 --ar 3:4 --s 500
