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  1. 确定角色类型和用途:明确游戏角色的类型(如英雄、反派、支持角色、NPC等)。描述角色的主要用途或功能(如战斗、探索、剧情推动等)。
  2. 选择风格和主题:指定角色的设计风格(如写实风、卡通风、二次元风、黑暗风等)。提及任何特定的主题或概念,如魔幻元素、科技感、古代文明等。
  3. 描述材质和颜色:描述角色服装和装备的主要材质(如金属、皮革、布料等)。描述角色的颜色方案,如单色、对比色、渐变色等。
  4. 特定的设计元素和细节:描述特别的设计元素或装饰细节,如盔甲、武器、纹身、面部表情等。提及与整体设计的协调性,如形体比例、动态姿势、背景故事等。
  5. 技术和创新:提及任何技术创新或设计改进,如3D建模技术、动态皮肤、物理引擎支持等。


1. 魔幻风格的英雄角色设计

English:"Fantasy-style hero character design, featuring ornate magical armor and wielding an ancient rune sword, with clothing primarily made of metal and leather, overall color scheme in deep red and gold, character pose exudes power"

2. 科幻风格的反派角色设计

English:"Sci-fi style villain character design, featuring high-tech battle armor and a cold mechanical face, clothing primarily in silver and black, with a stoic expression, overall style exudes a futuristic vibe"

3. 二次元风格的支持角色设计

English:"Anime-style support character design, featuring a cute outfit and holding a magic staff, overall appearance is lively and cheerful, with vibrant colors, ideal for providing support and healing in a team"

4. 黑暗风格的NPC角色设计

English:"Dark-themed NPC character design, featuring a tattered cloak and a sinister expression, holding an ancient lantern, with an overall muted color scheme, ideal as a mysterious guide in the game"




   中文:角色概念设计表,女药师,日漫风格,多动作,多表情,幻想题材,穿着华丽的裙子,绿色系色调,该表格包括角色正面图、角色背面图、角色侧面视图,饰品和武器的特写细节图示,漫画风格,--niji 5
   英文:Character concept design table, female pharmacist, Japanese comics style, multi-action, multi-expression, fantasy theme, wearing gorgeous skirts, green tones, this table includes character front view, character back view, character side view, close-up details of jewelry and weapons Illustration, comic style,-- niji 5



   英文:Game character concept design table, anthropomorphic bee, female warrior, Japanese comics style, fantasy theme, orange color tones, this table includes character front view, character back view, character side view, close-up of face with a focused expression, Close-up of glowing blue energy sword。



角色类型和用途 (Type and Purpose)英雄角色 (Hero characters)魔法英雄 (Magic heroes), 战士 (Warriors), 弓箭手 (Archers), 圣骑士 (Paladins), 忍者 (Ninjas)
反派角色 (Villain characters)黑暗巫师 (Dark wizards), 恶魔领主 (Demon lords), 机械反派 (Mechanical villains), 间谍 (Spies), 叛军领袖 (Rebel leaders)
支持角色 (Support characters)治疗师 (Healers), 魔法支援 (Magic support), 工程师 (Engineers), 神秘导师 (Mystic mentors), 技术支持 (Tech support)
NPC角色 (NPC characters)店主 (Shopkeepers), 城市卫兵 (City guards), 智者 (Wise elders), 神秘商人 (Mysterious merchants), 引导者 (Guides)
风格和主题 (Style and Theme)写实风格 (Realistic style)逼真细节 (Realistic details), 高分辨率 (High resolution), 真实比例 (True-to-life proportions), 真实纹理 (Realistic textures), 经典风格 (Classic style)
二次元风格 (Anime style)明亮色彩 (Bright colors), 可爱形象 (Cute characters), 夸张表情 (Exaggerated expressions), 动态造型 (Dynamic poses), 轻松风格 (Playful style)
材质和颜色 (Materials and Colors)材质 (Materials)金属 (Metal), 皮革 (Leather), 布料 (Fabric), 织物 (Textiles), 木材 (Wood)
颜色 (Colors)单色调 (Monochrome), 渐变色 (Gradient), 对比色 (Contrasting colors), 暗色系 (Dark tones), 明亮色调 (Bright tones)
设计元素和细节 (Design Elements and Details)设计元素 (Design Elements)盔甲设计 (Armor design), 武器设计 (Weapon design), 纹身 (Tattoos), 面部表情 (Facial expressions), 动态姿势 (Dynamic poses)
环境结合 (Environmental integration)形体比例 (Body proportions), 动态感 (Sense of movement), 背景故事 (Backstory), 光影效果 (Lighting effects), 角色道具 (Character props)
技术和创新 (Technology and Innovation)技术创新 (Technological innovation)3D建模 (3D modeling), 动态皮肤 (Dynamic skins), 物理引擎 (Physics engine), 动画效果 (Animation effects), 实时渲染 (Real-time rendering)