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  1. 确定工艺品的类型:明确工艺品的类型(如陶瓷、木雕、金属制品、玻璃制品、纺织品等)。描述工艺品的用途或功能(如装饰摆件、实用器具、纪念品等)。
  2. 选择风格和主题:指定工艺品的设计风格(如传统、现代、复古、民族风、简约等)。提及任何特定的主题或概念,如自然元素、抽象艺术、文化符号等。
  3. 描述材料和制作工艺:提及主要的制作材料(如陶土、金属、木材、玻璃、织物等)。描述工艺品的制作工艺,如手工雕刻、浇铸、编织、吹制玻璃等。
  4. 特定的设计元素和细节:描述特别的设计细节或装饰元素,如纹理、图案、形状等。提及与使用环境的结合,如色彩搭配、空间摆放、光影效果等。
  5. 技术和创新:提及任何技术创新或手工艺改进,如现代制造技术、混合材料使用等。


1. 现代金属工艺品

English:"Modern metal craft, made of stainless steel, polished surface, simple geometric shape design, suitable as decorative ornament, minimalist style, perfect for modern home decor"

2. 传统木雕摆件

English:"Traditional wooden carving ornament, made of solid wood, handcrafted with fine detailing, depicting natural landscape patterns, vintage style, ideal for living room or study decor"

3. 吹制玻璃花瓶

English:"Hand-blown glass vase, made of transparent glass, streamlined design, with a colored coating on the surface, suitable as a tabletop decoration, modern art style"

4. 民族风刺绣挂毯

English:"Ethnic embroidered tapestry, using traditional embroidery techniques, features abstract floral and geometric patterns, vibrant colors, perfect for wall hanging to enhance cultural ambiance"


工艺品类型 (Type)陶瓷 (Ceramics)瓷器 (Porcelain), 陶器 (Earthenware), 石器 (Stoneware), 青花瓷 (Blue and white porcelain), 琉璃 (Glazed ceramics)
木雕 (Woodcarving)实木雕刻 (Solid wood carving), 根雕 (Root carving), 竹雕 (Bamboo carving), 镶嵌木工艺 (Inlay woodcraft)
金属制品 (Metalwork)铜器 (Bronze ware), 铁艺 (Ironwork), 银器 (Silverware), 锡器 (Pewter), 金器 (Gold ware)
玻璃制品 (Glasswork)吹制玻璃 (Blown glass), 彩绘玻璃 (Stained glass), 熔融玻璃 (Fused glass), 雕刻玻璃 (Engraved glass)
纺织品 (Textiles)刺绣 (Embroidery), 织锦 (Brocade), 拼布 (Patchwork), 地毯 (Carpet), 丝绸 (Silk)
风格和主题 (Style and Theme)传统风格 (Traditional)中式风格 (Chinese style), 日本风格 (Japanese style), 欧式古典 (European classical), 民族风 (Ethnic style)
现代风格 (Modern)极简主义 (Minimalist), 未来主义 (Futuristic), 抽象艺术 (Abstract art), 生态设计 (Eco design)
特定主题 (Thematic)自然元素 (Natural elements), 动物主题 (Animal motifs), 几何图案 (Geometric patterns), 文化符号 (Cultural symbols)
材料和工艺 (Materials and Techniques)材料 (Materials)陶土 (Clay), 木材 (Wood), 金属 (Metal), 玻璃 (Glass), 织物 (Fabric), 混合材料 (Mixed materials)
制作工艺 (Techniques)手工雕刻 (Hand carving), 浇铸 (Casting), 吹制 (Blowing), 编织 (Weaving), 涂绘 (Painting)
设计元素和细节 (Design Elements and Details)设计元素 (Design Elements)纹理 (Texture), 图案 (Patterns), 形状 (Shapes), 色彩搭配 (Color coordination), 光影效果 (Light and shadow effects)
环境结合 (Environmental integration)空间摆放 (Space placement), 环境互动 (Interaction with surroundings), 风格搭配 (Style matching), 适应性设计 (Adaptive design)
技术和创新 (Technology and Innovation)技术创新 (Technological innovation)现代制造技术 (Modern manufacturing technology), 数字雕刻 (Digital carving), 3D打印 (3D printing), 混合材料使用 (Mixed materials usage)