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  1. 明确海报的主题和风格示例:"vintage movie poster with a noir aesthetic"(复古电影海报,带有黑色电影美学),"modern minimalist concert poster"(现代极简主义音乐会海报),"futuristic tech conference poster"(未来科技会议海报),"retro 80s neon-style event poster"(复古80年代霓虹风格活动海报)

2.描述配色方案示例:"monochrome with a splash of red"(单色调,带有红色点缀),"pastel colors with muted tones"(柔和色调,带有低饱和度色彩),"bold primary colors"(大胆的原色),"dark palette with bright accents"(深色调,带有明亮的点缀)

3.选择字体和排版示例:"bold sans-serif font"(粗体无衬线字体),"elegant serif font"(优雅的衬线字体),"handwritten script"(手写字体),"geometric and modern typography"(几何与现代字体设计)

4.添加图像元素示例:"high-contrast portrait in the center"(中央的高对比度肖像),"abstract geometric patterns"(抽象几何图案),"collage of vintage photographs"(复古照片拼贴),"illustrated floral motifs"(手绘花卉图案)

5.定义布局和构图示例:"symmetrical layout with centered text"(对称布局,文本居中),"asymmetrical design with overlapping elements"(不对称设计,带有重叠元素),"full-bleed image with minimal text"(全版图片,文本极简),"grid-based layout with equal spacing"(基于网格的布局,间距均匀)

6.指定整体氛围示例:"dark and mysterious"(黑暗而神秘),"bright and energetic"(明亮而充满活力),"elegant and refined"(优雅且精致),"urban and gritty"(都市感且粗犷)


1. 复古电影海报

English: "vintage movie poster with a noir aesthetic, monochrome with a splash of red, bold serif font, high-contrast portrait in the center, symmetrical layout with centered text, dark and mysterious atmosphere"

2. 现代极简主义音乐会海报

English: "modern minimalist concert poster, pastel colors with muted tones, elegant sans-serif font, abstract geometric patterns, full-bleed image with minimal text, bright and energetic atmosphere"

3. 未来科技会议海报

English: "futuristic tech conference poster, bold primary colors, geometric and modern typography, illustrated tech icons, grid-based layout with equal spacing, urban and gritty atmosphere"

4. 复古80年代霓虹风格活动海报

English: "retro 80s neon-style event poster, dark palette with bright neon accents, handwritten script, collage of vintage photographs, asymmetrical design with overlapping elements, vibrant and nostalgic atmosphere"


主题和风格 (Theme and Style)复古风格 (Vintage)黑色电影风 (Noir aesthetic), 工业风 (Industrial), 新艺术风格 (Art Nouveau), 装饰艺术风格 (Art Deco), 波普艺术 (Pop Art), 极简主义 (Minimalist), 未来主义 (Futuristic), 复古霓虹风 (Retro neon)
配色方案 (Color Scheme)单色调 (Monochrome)红色点缀 (Splash of red), 柔和色调 (Pastel colors), 原色 (Primary colors), 深色调 (Dark palette), 亮色点缀 (Bright accents), 对比色 (Contrasting colors)
字体和排版 (Typography)无衬线字体 (Sans-serif)粗体无衬线字体 (Bold sans-serif), 衬线字体 (Serif font), 手写字体 (Handwritten script), 几何字体 (Geometric typography), 优雅字体 (Elegant type), 粗犷字体 (Gritty type)
图像元素 (Graphic Elements)高对比度肖像 (High-contrast portrait)抽象几何图案 (Abstract geometric patterns), 复古照片拼贴 (Collage of vintage photographs), 手绘花卉图案 (Illustrated floral motifs), 技术图标 (Tech icons), 自然元素 (Natural elements)
布局和构图 (Layout and Composition)对称布局 (Symmetrical layout)不对称设计 (Asymmetrical design), 全版图片 (Full-bleed image), 网格布局 (Grid-based layout), 重叠元素 (Overlapping elements), 居中文本 (Centered text)
整体氛围 (Overall Atmosphere)黑暗而神秘 (Dark and mysterious)明亮而充满活力 (Bright and energetic), 优雅且精致 (Elegant and refined), 都市感且粗犷 (Urban and gritty), 浪漫 (Romantic), 怀旧 (Nostalgic), 未来感 (Futuristic)