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1. 明确服装风格和类型

2. 描述面料和质感

3. 强调剪裁和轮廓

4. 加入细节和装饰元素

5. 指定颜色和调色板

6. 添加背景和环境氛围


1. 现代极简主义女装设计

中文: 设计一款现代极简主义风格的女装,采用无袖A字连衣裙,纯白色,剪裁简洁且利落。裙子采用高品质的丝绸材质,表面光滑且带有微光泽。下摆略微扩展,背部配有隐形拉链,无任何多余装饰。整体风格干练且优雅,适合日常通勤和正式场合。
English: Design a modern minimalist-style women's outfit featuring a sleeveless A-line dress in pure white, with clean and sharp cuts. The dress is made of high-quality silk, with a smooth surface and a subtle sheen. The hem slightly flares out, and there is a concealed zipper at the back, with no additional embellishments. The overall style is sleek and elegant, suitable for both daily wear and formal occasions.

2. 复古风格男士西装设计

中文: 创建一款复古风格的男士西装,三件套,采用深蓝色的羊毛材质。西装剪裁合身,翻领为经典的宽翻领设计,纽扣为复古金属样式。内衬采用暗纹花卉图案,袖口配有精致的纽扣细节。整体氛围复古且高贵,适合正式晚宴和社交活动。
English: Create a vintage-style men's suit, a three-piece set made of deep blue wool. The suit features a tailored fit with a classic wide lapel, and the buttons are vintage metal style. The lining is adorned with a subtle floral pattern, and the cuffs feature detailed buttons. The overall atmosphere is vintage and sophisticated, perfect for formal dinners and social events.

3. 街头风格青年服饰设计

中文: 设计一款街头风格的青年服饰,搭配宽松的连帽卫衣和破洞牛仔裤。卫衣为深灰色,正面印有醒目的涂鸦图案,带有轻微的做旧效果。牛仔裤采用浅蓝色,膝盖部分有明显的破洞和磨边处理。整体风格休闲且富有个性,适合年轻人的日常穿搭。
English: Design a streetwear-style youth outfit featuring a loose-fitting hoodie and distressed jeans. The hoodie is dark gray with a bold graffiti print on the front, and has a slightly worn-in look. The jeans are light blue, with prominent rips and frayed edges at the knees. The overall style is casual and edgy, perfect for everyday wear for young people.

4. 奢华晚礼服设计



1. 明确提到“设计线稿”或“结构图”

2. 描述需要展示的“细节特写”

3. 结合“分解图”或“不同视角”

4. 添加特定“风格和元素”



fashion design sketch of a contemporary dress, minimalist outline with flowing drapery, technical flat drawing with multiple angles including front and back views, close-up of fabric texture and stitching details, focus on the neckline and hem detailing, displayed on a white background


fashion sketch of a vintage gown, detailed drawing with embroidered floral motifs and layered fringe, close-up of lace patterns and beading, multiple views including a breakdown of garment construction, line drawing with shading to show fabric flow, annotations highlighting key design elements


风格 (Style)现代风格 (Modern)极简主义 (Minimalist), 街头风 (Streetwear), 高级定制 (Haute couture), 运动风 (Sportswear), 复古风格 (Vintage), 未来主义 (Futuristic), 浪漫主义 (Romantic), 机能风 (Functional), 波西米亚风 (Bohemian), 朋克风 (Punk)
用途 (Purpose)日常穿搭 (Casual wear)运动服 (Activewear), 职场服装 (Business wear), 晚礼服 (Evening wear), 休闲服 (Loungewear), 户外服装 (Outdoor wear), 婚纱 (Wedding dress), 派对服 (Party wear), 校园风 (Preppy)
剪裁和轮廓 (Cut and Silhouette)修身剪裁 (Slim fit)宽松剪裁 (Loose fit), A字裙 (A-line skirt), 合身西装 (Tailored suit), 高腰设计 (High waist), 露肩设计 (Off-shoulder), 荷叶边 (Ruffles), 层叠设计 (Layered), 抽绳设计 (Drawstring), 包臀裙 (Pencil skirt)
颜色 (Colors)单色 (Solid color)渐变色 (Gradient), 对比色 (Contrasting colors), 暖色调 (Warm tones), 冷色调 (Cool tones), 中性色调 (Neutral tones), 亮色 (Bright colors), 柔和色调 (Soft tones)
材质 (Materials)丝绸 (Silk)棉布 (Cotton), 羊毛 (Wool), 皮革 (Leather), 亚麻 (Linen), 天鹅绒 (Velvet), 牛仔布 (Denim), 缎面 (Satin), 纱布 (Organza), 合成面料 (Synthetic fabrics)
图案 (Patterns)条纹 (Stripes)格子 (Plaid), 花卉 (Floral), 抽象图案 (Abstract), 动物纹 (Animal print), 拼接 (Patchwork), 水墨风 (Ink wash), 波点 (Polka dots), 几何图案 (Geometric patterns), 迷彩 (Camouflage)
装饰元素 (Decorative Elements)刺绣 (Embroidery)印花 (Print), 金属装饰 (Metal accents), 蕾丝 (Lace), 钮扣设计 (Button design), 链条 (Chains), 拼接 (Inlay), 亮片 (Sequins), 缎带 (Ribbon), 拉链 (Zippers)
整体氛围 (Overall Atmosphere)时尚 (Fashionable)优雅 (Elegant), 前卫 (Avant-garde), 舒适 (Comfortable), 经典 (Classic), 实用 (Practical), 轻松 (Relaxed), 知性 (Intellectual), 奢华 (Luxurious), 个性化 (Individualistic)